
Profile object is used to store data associated with a user. Using profile is in no way required, and will only be enabled if the userProfile config option is provided.


It is common to store the list of user profiles under a collection called "users" or "profiles". For this example we will use "users".

Include the userProfile parameter in config passed to react-redux-firebase:

const config = {
  userProfile: 'users', // where profiles are stored in database

Get Profile From State

Using useSelector Hook

Then later connect (from react-redux) to redux state with:

import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'

function SomeComponent() {
  const profile = useSelector(state => state.firebase.profile)
  return <div>{JSON.stringify(profile, null, 2)}</div>

function SomeComponent() {
  const profile = useSelector(({ firebase: { profile } }) => profile)
  return <div>{JSON.stringify(profile, null, 2)}</div>

Using connect HOC

Then later connect (from react-redux) to redux state with:

import { connect } from 'react-redux'

// grab profile from redux with connect
  (state) => {
    return {
      profile: state.firebase.profile // profile passed as props.profile
)(SomeComponent) // pass component to be wrapped

// or with some shorthand:
connect(({ firebase: { profile } }) => ({ profile }))(SomeComponent)

Profile in Firestore

To use Firestore for storing profile data instead of Real Time Database, the basic example can be followed exactly with the following config.

const config = {
  userProfile: 'users', // where profiles are stored in database
  useFirestoreForProfile: true // use Firestore for profile instead of RTDB

Update Profile

The current users profile can be updated by using the updateProfile method:

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { compose } from 'redux'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { useFirebase, isLoaded } from 'react-redux-firebase'

export default function UpdateProfilePage() {
  const firebase = useFirebase()
  const profile = useSelector(state => state.firebase.profile)

  function updateUserProfile() {
    return firebase.updateProfile({ role: 'admin' })

  return (
      <h2>Update User Profile</h2>
        Click the button to update profile to include role parameter
      <button onClick={updateUserProfile}>
        Add Role To User
            ? JSON.stringify(profile, null, 2)
            : 'Loading...'

Change How Profiles Are Stored

The way user profiles are written to the database can be modified by passing the profileFactory parameter .

// within your createStore.js or store.js file include the following config
const config = {
  userProfile: 'users', // where profiles are stored in database
  profileFactory: (userData, profileData, firebase) => { // how profiles are stored in database
    const { user } = userData
    return {

This also works with profiles stored on Firestore if using the useFirestoreForProfile option

List Online Users

To list online users and/or track sessions, view the presence recipe

Populate Parameters

If profile object contains an key or a list of keys as parameters, you can populate those parameters with the matching value from another location on firebase.


profile.contacts contains a list of user UIDs that should be populated from the users list like so:

  displayName: 'Rick Sanchez',
  email: '',
  contacts: [

Setting config like this:

const config = {
  userProfile: 'users', // where profiles are stored in database
  profileParamsToPopulate: [

Results in profile with populated contacts parameter:

  displayName: 'Rick Sanchez',
  email: '',
  contacts: [
      email: '',
      displayName: 'Morty Smith'
      email: '',
      displayName: 'Bird Person'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""